Journeying through the industries of freelance writing and music

A collection of thoughts and experiences related to the industries…and whatever else I should decide to post.
Thanks for stopping by, and may the joy and peace of God rest on you now and always.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Determined to Love

One of my favorite hobbies is hiking. And it just so happens that it’s a favorite hobby for my husband Gary too. God often speaks to us through the artistry of His handiwork, and He gave us a beautiful and powerful picture of a love that’s determined to stay committed. As we walked, I noticed a rock partially embedded in the side of a huge hill and pointed it out to my husband. The top of the rock was covered with dirt, and a couple of intertwined and healthy flowers grew out of it. The Lord began to speak to us about the value of having Christ our Rock as our foundation.

When life’s storms of economic woes, health care scares, and job instability cause us to feel the effects of being dumped on with an erosion of difficulties, it’s only the rock solid love of our personal relationship with Jesus that will cause us (and a marriage) to survive and flourish. We must pull together – or we will pull apart. When we make a choice to run to God by spending more time in His Word, laying our concerns at His feet with our prayers, and determining to continue in our worship of Him, He will cause us to overcome because of the power of His blood and the word of our testimony. Keeping our focus on Jesus is where we will find true peace, love joy, and hope for the future.