Journeying through the industries of freelance writing and music

A collection of thoughts and experiences related to the industries…and whatever else I should decide to post.
Thanks for stopping by, and may the joy and peace of God rest on you now and always.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Persistent determination pays off

As someone who has an interest in both the writing and music industries, I have noticed over the years that there are many similarities. Perhaps one of the strongest is the importance of persistent determination. As competitive as both industries are, discouragement can take its toll on both aspiring writers and aspiring singer-musician-songwriters. For that matter, it can take its toll on those who have been blessed of God to break into the industries – for a whole myriad of reasons. That’s where being connected to a supportive group of like-minded (and perhaps equally or slightly more crazed) artists than yourself can be of great benefit. Being surrounded with people who will weep with you through the bad times and rejoice with you through the good just somehow bolsters a person’s persistent determination and fans the flames of inspiration.

Another thing that I personally find inspiring is reading about others who have managed to gain some success. Any of them who are honest will vouch for the fact that there is no such thing as an overnight success. There’s a lot of time, sweat, tears, training and of course money involved in what’s really comparable to a journey – as opposed to, say, a microwave dinner. Jenn Gotzon is a recent example of persist determination paying off. According to Movie Guide, Gotzon had been on her journey of being an actress for 15 years when she received her major breakthrough in the industry. I especially find it inspiring that part of Gotzon’s vision for her career is to “inspire and impact” the audience.

Founder and editor of Movie Guide Ted Baehr has written a fantastic book called How to Succeed in Hollywood Without Losing Your Soul that is an amazing tool for those desiring to use their gifts make a difference in the fields of the arts and entertainment. Not only does he offer great insights, but he has written it in such as way that it can help the reader to develop their own vision and definition of what success means to them – as opposed to what everyone else says it ought to be.

Another author who points out the importance of defining what success means on a personal level is Kristi Holl. In her book Writer’s First Aid, she reveals that when a person allows others to define what success is for them, that they’ll find that they are mysteriously unable to truly enjoy it. This could also easily be applied to someone who is a singer-songwriter-musician, and / or who has an interest in acting. Holl goes on to challenge the reader to consider the personal importance of the following: prestige of a byline or first sale (or cd label or movie contract); the passion of doing something meaningful to you; the career goal of making enough money to support your family; and further points out that personal success can change over time. So it’s important to reassess what success truly is on a personal level at strategic times in your life, such as when a goal is met or a person gets married or has a child or whatever. More on her book can be found here.

Because it can take years to really gain momentum in the arts industries, a person’s belief system will also have a strong impact on their ability to maintain persistent determination. Though the journey may be long, if we are looking to Him to lead us we can expect that He will open doors and even cause divine appointments.

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